Year 6 Pupil Comments

When you are doing the 11+ exam preparation, don't stop the things you love, keep on doing them.  Instead of thinking of it as an exam, think of it as a competition.
When I was preparing for my exams my family and I took a break during the holiday to relax, that really helped me.
Playing the cello helped me to relax as the soothing music calmed me down when there was a lot of work to do.
I made a list of all the new words I came across in my reading.
There were supportive teachers to help us along the way.
Useful half-term exams.
Weekly mental maths and spelling tests keep you on the ball and quicken your speed.
It's a small school. There is a great sense of community and you develop friends which stay with you for a very long time.
Having a balance of work and play.
It was helpful knowing I could always ask for help.
Having Ms Kuilenburg and Mrs Redgrave teach us in Year 5 before the 11+.
Support and advice from all teachers throughout the school.
Good, challenging past papers made by the teachers themselves.

Year 6 Parent Comments

Encourage them to read books every day.
Read a lot of classic books to help with learning of new words.
The Transfer to Secondary School Meeting was very helpful in answering questions that we were unsure of.  Also the teachers have guided us on specific areas we had to work with our children.
She took up an instrument to take breaks away from studying.
We do papers together as a challenge and in most cases she won the challenge and I rewarded her with a small prize.
We were well supported throughout the process, getting information about last dates for filling out forms, deciding points to choose the best school and how to support your child just before exams.
The school and teachers helped tremendously. It became much easier to prepare at home.  Being secure in the basics will help them solve everything.
The school helped with its 11+ preparation. starting from Year 2.
It was a challenge to get through to the right school but the 3-way partnership between Eastcourt, student and parent was vital.
Eastcourt provides a very good start/foundation in all subjects.
Our daughter started her grammar school and found this advantageous.
The teachers have been very supportive and encouraged my son to perform better through verbal and written communication to us.
We need to take the decision for our own children based upon our circumstances - job, house, siblings etc.  Others should not influence in these matters.
It's a great school.
Speak to parents whose children are already there as this gives you a better view of positives and negatives about the school.
All meetings with Mrs Redgrave were very supportive.  Thanks for shaping a better future for my daughter.
The school has held a number of fun activities including judo, table tennis, football and speech which makes it more interesting.
Eastcourt has firm discipline and keeps a good balance between work and social activities.