Year 3 went back in time with Portals to the Past. The children travelled on a journey from early Stone Age through to the Iron Age. The workshop was packed with stories and key events which were brought to life through role play and handling of real objects. During their journey, the children learnt about the Stone Age people and their early achievements. They soon moved through to the Bronze Age and were introduced to the Beaker pot community, who travelled far and wide and arrived in Britain. They learnt about tin and copper and making bronze tools. Their journey ended when the Romans invaded the Celts and leant about Queen Boudicca.

It was a fun filled day, enjoyed by all the children and their teachers. The workshop presenter said he was impressed with how well our children behaved and thought they were ‘receptive’.

portals to the past (1)
portals to the past (2)
portals to the past (3)
portals to the past (4)
portals to the past (5)
portals to the past (6)
VISIT TO ST ALBANS autumn 2017
St Albans 1
St Albans 2
St Albans 3
St Albans 4
Rocksteady (1)
Rocksteady (2)
Rocksteady (3)
Rocksteady (4)
Rocksteady (5)

Quantum Theatre came to perform in the hall to years 3 and 4. Their show was “The Adventure of the Missing Number”.

Quantum 1 Quantum 2

Our heroes, a cunning sleuth and his assistant, cannot understand why ‘Create the World’ Lego cards are becoming hard to find and keep disappearing from the shops.  When a strange new website appears, selling the top collectables at extremely high prices, the heroes put two and two together and begin to wonder if something more sinister might be behind it – could it be their arch-enemy Fibonacci?

Quantum 3 Quantum 4

The team used their theatrical skills to present concepts like place value, ordering 3 and 4 digit numbers, written methods for the four operations, estimating answers, using inverse operations and problem-solving.

Year 6 had a visit from the Portals to the Past team.

I really enjoyed the interactive stories about the wars and I’m sure that I wouldn’t have learnt and remembered so much information if it had been a normal lesson.  Anoushka B 6K

portals 2

portals 1

It felt like we were back in time looking at Ancient Greece. – Zara 6R

The architecture of the shield was what impressed me the most as it was so unusual – Ashwin 6K

One thing which fascinated me was that they had names for their weapons
SHIELD: Aspis/Hoplon
HELMET: Corinthian
Sonakshi 6K

I did not know that Spartan warriors had to leave their house and start their training at the age of seven.  Anoushka K 6K

Mr Hansom created so much suspense when he narrated the battles of Alexander the Great. I was literally biting my nails. Vidip 6R


portals 3
portals 4

Having to dress up and play a character was exciting, especially when we re-enacted Alexander the Great’s wars.  Gopika 6

As we were dressed up as Greeks it added to the atmosphere. – Ayesha 6R

We learnt about different city states, democracy, wars and the Olympic games.  Maya 6K

We also learnt where the gods go to for holiday, which is a country in Africa which is very far away from Greece.  Joseph 6K

From the boards of the quiz, I learned that Pythagoras was a boxer.  Huzaifa 6K

portals 5

portals 6

I enjoyed the puzzle-making the most.  Danielle 6R

We had quizzes to solve, puzzles and patterns to make and battles to win.  We used the voting system as they did back in ancient Greek times.  Sadly girls could not vote.  Savera 6K

My favourite part was when we played the mini Olympics. – Navkaran  6R

Year 3 enjoyed their visit from Freshwater Theatre Company.
The children went on a quest for Roald Dahl and acted out scenes from The B.F.G.

Freshwater 1 Freshwater 2

Year 4 visited Seven Kings Gurdwara as part of their R.E. topic ‘Religions in our Neighbourhood’.
Children were shown round the main prayer hall and were given a turban demonstration.

On February 1st Year 5 had an enjoyable - if rather damp - day at the Thames Barrier. They took part in workshops and were taught how and why the Barrier is there: but for this vital piece of engineering, London could experience major flooding. We were fortunate enough to get a good view of the Barrier in action, and later we had some exercise walking along the Thames Path. All in all, the children had an informative and entertaining experience of this important London landmark. thames barrier 1
thames barrier 2 thames barrier 3
African Celebration

We welcomed the Zamble African Dance company to Eastcourt on 12th October 2016.

All the children from, from Reception to Year 6, enjoyed the energetic music and dancing. The children quickly picked up the moves, the staff were a bit slower!

At the end of each day groups performed in front of each other. Our photos show Year 5 and Year 1 having a go!

Parents then joined in the spirit and organised an African food day, giving children the chance to try foods new to them - a hug success. The proceeds of £121 were donated to St Francis Hospice.

The theme continues on Open Day, 19th November 10 a.m. - 12 noon. Do come along to see our board displays and 3D models of animals in our own setting.

africa2 africa4

Year 2 Southend Historical Walk, September 16th 2016
southend 1

Year 2 went to Southend.

We walked along the sea-front and then onto the pier to look at the beach huts. We learned about what Southend was like in Victorian times and we talked about what seasides were like long ago.

On the day of our visit a pop-up museum had been placed on the sea-front. We saw many artefacts that had been found in the seas by Southend. We also dressed up in clothes at the little museum.

southend 2 southend 3



31 October 2016


Year 2 had a visit from ‘Professor Rachael’ from the Freshwater Theatre Group. We learned all about Materials by moving and becoming like the materials, and by thinking about their properties. We had to tell the Professor what materials we knew and we had to look around and find things made with different materials.

Freshwater 2