
The following are individual written compliments paid by parents and children to the school and its teachers within the past two years.
All are genuine and held on file.
Proper names have been redacted and substituted with random initials.

The first set, unsolicited, is taken from parents’ and children’s Thank You cards, typically given at the end of a school  year.

I am writing to thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me an excellent education. The skills and knowledge you have given me will be of help throughout my life. I promise to continue to follow the values and ethics you taught me. I will miss you and this wonderful school of yours.

I’m so grateful to you both for your loving support over the last few months, especially when I was in hospital. It helped more than you guys will know, knowing that D. was in safe hands and cared for. Thank you so much - you both were real diamonds and went that extra mile – I’m very blessed.

It is Easter but also a moment for us to express our sincere thanks for the immense hard work you put in every day. Through this note we wanted to express our sincere thanks and gratitude to you and Mrs A. for providing an impressive learning and personal development platform for B. in her formative years. In years to come, when we look back at this year, we will feel so thankful to Eastcourt and teachers who shaped B.

Last week our lawyers confirmed the good news. As you can imagine, this is a great relief to us. We wouldn’t have been able to get through the past few months without your support and really are grateful to you both. Thank you so much again.

Thank you for all your support and guidance.  Being in Eastcourt has been a learning experience and I have enjoyed my time here. You are a wonderful person and in such little time I have gained many skills under your expertise. The lovely children and supportive staff of Eastcourt have made my work experience an amazing one and I would very much like to come back again!

Thank you for being there to help me solve my problems. You have given me that extra boost so that now I believe I can do anything. Thank you sooooo much!

Thank you for having me at Eastcourt for 5 years. I loved every minute of it. I will miss the staff and my friends, however I hope to make new friends in C-- School. I will keep in touch!

Thank you for your support, help, encouragement and guidance throughout my schooldays in Eastcourt. It feels quite sad to leave you all but I may see you in future. Good luck and best wishes!

Thank you so much for all the help and encouragement you gave me. You really helped me with my maths and inspired me to do well in all my subjects. I really enjoy my new school. Thank you for making it all possible.

We don’t even have the words to thank you enough for all your support over the past few months. This has been the hardest chapter in our lives but we are so grateful to God for blessing us with you both. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you.

We would like to thank you so much for your support and brilliant education you have provided for E. She has loved her time at Eastcourt!

You went beyond the call of duty! Bless you both.


Some children have to leave Eastcourt before Year 6 – their parents write as follows:

I would like to confirm in writing that R. will be leaving Eastcourt to start a school in the summer term closer to home. It is with mixed feelings that we are making this decision, as R. really loves her class teacher Mrs Davies and the school.

S. was small for his age in class and his mother was usually very concerned for him, but I appreciate the efforts and hard work of his teachers, that he is very comfortable now in his studies. He has learnt so many things and we feel his general habits and character have been greatly built over the last 2 years. We want to extend our special thanks to all teachers and staff for very enthusiastic and pro-active approach of teaching and guiding our son throughout his time in this prestigious school. He loves his teachers, friends and school very much and feels very sad to leave all.


Mrs and Miss Redgrave organised and ran the ‘Words Word Words’ Workshop last summer. Here are some responses.

The enthusiasm of Miss Redgrave is excellent and definitely rubs off on the children. G. was enthusiastic when she was playing the games at home. Kids definitely learn quicker when they feel it is not work!

I enjoyed the workshop and I am excited to see what happens next week.

The workshops have made H. less scared about composition. Hopefully what she has learnt in the workshops will reflect in her assessments. The fact that you increased her enthusiasm means that you are winning. Many thanks for offering the workshops.

Learning how to write simple words to big words was new and interesting.

This workshop would definitely work in classrooms from Reception. We have enjoyed joining in.


The following comments were in response to a request for Transfer to Secondary School feedback in preparation for our next Ofsted visit.
They were (mostly) made anonymously.

A lot of support is given by the teachers and Mrs Redgrave to help when children have weaknesses and also when they don’t. Children are encouraged to push themselves beyond their boundaries, which helps with confidence.

Eastcourt is a very good school and the head is considerate and committed in the development of all pupils. We were particularly impressed with the school’s attitude and approach when my daughter developed a medical condition.

Eastcourt school has helped both my kids in education and confidence to perform in school. My eldest daughter is in Year 12 and she achieved 10 A*s and 3 As in GCSE because of the foundation she built in Eastcourt. J. has improved in all subjects, especially in English writing which surely will help us to move to the school of his choice.

Extra-curricular activities have improved Q’s overall confidence this year. He has become more assertive and responsible.

Having sent three boys of three different age groups to Eastcourt, we can certainly see all three more confident in themselves, far more aware of their surroundings in all respects, which is a big credit to their teachers and teaching methods.

I am pleased with my son’s progress at Eastcourt Independent School. The teachers at Eastcourt are outstanding. Again a wonderful, well-led school. All my 3 children are very happy here in Eastcourt. I would love my grandchildren to come and join Eastcourt in the future.

I am very glad and proud of having chosen Eastcourt Independent School for my child’s education. I like the way students are made to feel confident both by the teachers in academics and also art and drama. The Headteacher is very approachable and extremely supportive towards my child’s welfare.

I believe Eastcourt is very academic and works with children to get results. The open-door policy with teachers has really helped me to stay informed of my child’s progress, and issues have been dealt with effectively and efficiently.

I found the transfer to secondary school meetings very informative and helpful and felt very supported by the school and head teacher. Together with the school we were able to make decisions as to the best school choices for K., taking into account her ability and character. Eastcourt is an outstanding and great school and has always been consistent with the care and academic progress of every student, year on year. I have had 2 other children go through Eastcourt and they have both achieved great results and GCSE and A level and one now reads medicine and the other engineering. They both have very fond memories of Eastcourt.

My daughter L. has attained extensive academic skills in Year 6 which will put her in good stead for secondary school. We are grateful to the school for all their hard work. Thank you Eastcourt!

My youngest child who started in Reception was well supported. The school work given at Reception level was a much higher standard than state schools. Thank you.

N. joined Eastcourt at the end of Year 2 from a state school. Eastcourt school has helped N. settle in very quickly and has supported her in her learning.

The teachers are very approachable and understanding. The small class size enables them to really get to know your child well and give timely feedback on the child’s progress.

The Transfer to Secondary School group meeting was very helpful. At least we all felt in the same boat! Over the next four months P. will be sitting exams which will decide his future secondary school – your open-door approach will surely benefit us as parents.

The Transfer to Secondary School meeting was very beneficial as it was the first time for us. It answered many questions that we had about applying to schools for exams, and how the applying to schools worked once exam results had been received.

Transfer to Secondary School meetings were very useful to know our contribution to the task in preparing children at home. A great insight into how we can do better through various homework and exercises with the children.

We appreciate Eastcourt and the teachers helping M. M. is a practical young man who loves computers and building things. He loves to help his schoolmates and tries very hard to do his best.

We can summarise the key benefits of sending (both) our children to Eastcourt by highlighting their improvements in three areas: conscientiousness, confidence and discipline. All three areas are important characteristics required for success in later life and we feel the role of Eastcourt School in developing these areas cannot be overstated. The approach to teaching at Eastcourt is built on foundations of discipline and conscientiousness; however it is driven by a focus on specific development of each child to push them consistently and constructively. Home diaries are tracked and ensure accountability from us as parents to be involved in reinforcing teaching at school, while a variety of extra-curricular activities ensure our children grow in a holistic way. This holistic approach, developing children’s understanding and curiosity, is shown by how often our children have surprised us with insights learnt at school, which is extremely pleasing. We have no doubt they will continue to develop, and praise Eastcourt School’s role in this journey.


Some final words:

Can we thank you, your staff and the students of Eastcourt for making T. and myself so welcome in our first few days at school. We are grateful to be part of such a lovely community.

Thank you to Eastcourt Independent School, Mrs Redgrave and V’s teacher. I can see how V. has progressed throughout the year. He was praised when he achieved and reminded of his boundaries when he didn’t listen. He is enthusiastic to come to school, loves his friends, peers and everyone at school. So thank you from all our family, especially his brother A., who is an Old Eastcourtonian.