Brief Professional Résumé of Wallace De Pue
I. Preparation
Bachelor of Music and Bachelor of Music Education - Capital University, 1956
Master of Arts - Ohio State University, 1957
Doctor of Philosophy - Michigan State University, 1966
II. Publications (51) by major publishers
Works for practically all media published by: Mills, Belwin, Plymouth, Walton, Kjos, Lawson-Gould, HaMar, Columbia, J. Fischer, Alexander Broude, MMB, Moon Of Hope, Warner Brothers, Alfred Music Publishers and Harrock-Hall Music, Bellmann Musikverlag (Germany).
III. Honors and other recognitions
- Winner of national contest sponsored by Rochester Festival of Religious Arts: Psalm 90 (SATB/Viola), 1967
- Winner of state contest sponsored by the Arthur Shepherd Competition of Cleveland: Sonata Primitf (Marimba/Piano), 1968.
- Wassili-Leps National Choral Competition (Honorable Mention): The Bells (SATB), 1968.
- BGSU nominee for the E. Harbor Harrison Award for Gifted Teaching (Danforth Foundation), 1972.
- Winner of "National String Orchestra Composition Contest" sponsored by the University of Denver's Lamont School of Music: Prelude and Sarabande (String Orchestra), 1973.
- Appointed "Fellow" at the MacDowell Colony, Peterborough, N.H., June 15-July 15, 1973.
- Phi Mu Alpha Distinguished Teacher Award, Bowling Green State University,1974.
- BGSU Faculty Achievement Award for Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (opera), 1974.
- BGSU College of Musical Arts Distinguished Teacher Award, 1975.
- Appointed "Fellow" at the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, Lynchburg, Va., June 15 to July 21, 1979.
- Finalist in the National Symphony Orchestra Association Competition, 1980 (Passacaglia for Orchestra).
- Honorable Mention in the Pittsburgh Youth Symphony Orchestra Association Orchestral Composition Contest, 1979-1980 (Passacaglia for Orchestra).
- Subject of TV Documentary, "The De Pue Family Musicians," produced by WBGU-TV and broadcast several times starting in 1993 to the present.
- “Great Artists in Music” Ohio State University Award ( 2005).
- Selected to present an entire concert of original music for the 5th Annual American Master Concert Series, sponsored by the Hamilton/Fairfield Symphony and Chorale, Paul Stanbery conductor, in Hamilton, Ohio, March 5, 2006.
- Winner of more than 26 consecutive ASCAP Awards for composition, as of 2014.
- Recommended for the 2007 Pulitzer Prize in Music Composition by the Hamilton/Fairfield Symphony and Chorale
- MMTA (Michigan Music Teachers Association) commission winner, 2008 (Fiddler and the Dragon).
- Out of 54 entrants, Butler University selected one of Dr. De Pue’s compositions to perform in concert. Dr. De Pue was on campus teaching composition students for six days, 2009.
- Invited to the Otterbein University Humorous Music Contest for a performance of Dr. De Pue’s “Animal Fugue,” April 31, 2014.
- A winner in the C7 International Competition, in two categories of composition. (05-01-14).
- Out of 625 works submitted from six continents, Wallace De Pue won the Gold Medal for his opera Something Special, in the Boston Metro Opera International Competition. June, 2014.
- One of seven winners in the Green Dot International Violin/piano Composition Contest. July, 2014.
- Wallace De Pue’s works are included in "The 20th century Violin Concertante" - A repertoire guide to the compositions for violin concertante, by Tobias Broeker. Sept. 2014,
- The Pittsburgh Opera Theater will produce multiple performances of Dr. De Pue’s opera, The True Story of the Three Little Pigs, during 2015
- Wallace De Pue won an honorable mention in a worldwide competition for harpsichord music by Christian Fischer. Bellmann Verlag (Germany) published For the Good Folk in 2014.
- Wallace De Pue was a semi-finalist in the American Prize National Competition, one of our nation’s most respected contests. 2014.
IV. Recorded and/or published works for broadcast audiences
- Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (opera), 1975, Oceans Records, Los Gatos, CA, 1975
- Something Special, (opera) TV performance adopted by SEC (Southern Educational Communications Network), 1976.
- The True Story Of The Three Little Pigs, (opera) pub. by MMB, St. Louis, 1984.
- TV Documentary (60 minutes), "The De Pue Family Musicians," 1989.
V. Grants for composing music
from: the National Endowment for the Arts, 1974; the Gund Foundation
(Cleveland), 1976 and Ohio Arts Council "Meet the Composer" Grants (2),
1985 and 1986.
VI. Founder of Picardie Court Publications, 1968 (ASCAP registered Internet publisher)
CHORAL MUSIC: Wallace De Pue Sr. started his music career as an eight-year-old boy soprano in the great children's choir of the downtown Trinity Episcopal Church (Columbus, Ohio). The next year, he received an invitation to join the Columbus Boy Choir School (now the American Boy Choir) where he studied four years. He attended the Ohio State University Progressive High School for two years where he began to compose choral music for Mary Tolbert, director of choral music. For five years, he studied vocal music with Ellis E. Snyder and sang in the Capital University Chapel Choir. At Ohio State University, he studied with Louis Diercks, conductor of the OSU Symphonic Choir, and earned a Master of Arts degree, with a minor in choral music. For six years, he studied with Richard Klausli and sang in the State Singers of Michigan State University while earning a Ph.D. in composition and theory. Dr. H. Owen Reed was Wallace De Pue’s mentor while studying composition.
INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC: At age 15, Wallace De Pue Sr. began to concertize on the piano. He appeared with bandleader, Horace Heidt, on national radio, after winning an East of the Mississippi audition. Later, he played for Arthur Godfrey, a famous national talent scout, in New York City. Wallace started writing keyboard music and began a new career as a composer. Now, among his works are solo and ensemble pieces for piano, solo pieces for harpsichord and solo works for organ. His catalog includes songs, choral compositions, orchestral works, percussion pieces, operas, band, and wind ensemble musics.