CLICK HERE for samples of works by Wallace De Pue
CLICK HERE for the full catalogue of works
Alexander De Pue (then 2, now 42) says,
“If you want to purchase Dad’s music, this is how it is done:
- Contact: and tell him how many copies you want of the title you have chosen and whether you want octavo size or letter size paper for your copies. Dad recommends the latter.
- You will have your copies in a week to ten days, depending on whether you want media mail postage (5 - 7 days) or first class postage (3 - 5 days). Using media mail saves money.
- Dad will wait for your e-mail saying that your music has arrived, and that you are totally satisfied; only then will he send you an invoice.
- If you make other purchases, Dad will give you a 10% discount on each and every purchase you make.
- Dad accepts payments by check or PayPal. Dad can also accept credit cards through PayPal's secure invoice system. If he sends his invoice through PayPal, you can pay with your credit card, even if you don't have a PayPal account.
- There is a $5.00 handing charge for Dad’s expense in packaging music, driving his car to the post office and waiting in long lines to mail your order.
- If you want to make your own copies from a pdf file, Dad will work with you.