Welcome to Picardie Court Publications...
...in Bowling Green, Ohio. My name is Wallace De Pue, Sr. founder of this publishing concern since 1998.
On this web site, you will find my entire catalogue of musical works, including a special section on my four operas. On the Samples page are full scores of several pieces - downloadable as pdf files for your perusal - and audio files of even more. Here are instructions regarding how to purchase printed copies for your own performances. Finally, you may be interested in my biography, and information on my talented family.
Visit early, and visit often - new material is still being added.
What a customer may expect from Picardie Court Publications:
- Professionally engraved scores for choral and instrumental compositions
- Delivery of orders within ten days or less, or contact will be made with the buyer
- An attempt to cut costs through making and/or mailing copies
- Satisfaction or money back guarantee on every composition
- Prices in line with most publishing houses
- Personal advice on music selection matters
- Music available for “easy” to “difficult” compositions
- Instant contact with potential customers through e-mail or phone
- Changes to suit particular choral music scores, either text or melodies
- Ten percent discounts on second orders
Please request a .pdf score and an .mp3 sound byte of any composition title that interests you.
Dr. De Pue also accepts commissions for writing compositions in any music style requested, from the Middle Ages to the 21st Century.
Thank you for visiting my “store”.
Wallace De Pue, Sr.