For more information on our hugely successful revues, click on Shakespeare Revue

bus pass to broadway

Bus Pass To Broadway - a new venture from Vivienne McMaster, one of our favourite performers and choreographers.

For fans of Radio’s longest running serial
Archers Addicts

For the latest new in the theatre and entertainment business direct from the profession’s own newspaper
The Stage Online

For information about actors and actresses and how to contact them
The Spotlight Casting Directory

The Scottish Music Hall & Variety Theatre Society

Two of the very best sites anywhere on the internet….

behind you

The best site on the web for information on every aspect of Pantomime

The most amazing resource in the world for Vaudeville / Music Hall / Drawing Room Ballads
(so good, it even prints the music… after transposing it into your key!)

water rats

Hiss & Boo’s founder Ian Liston is a member of the Grand Order of Water Rats. To learn more about this fascinating and venerable show business organisation see:

British Music Hall Society

London Music Hall Database - Royal Holloway

For more information contact:
Ian Liston, The Hiss & Boo Company
1 Nyes Hill, Wineham Lane, Bolney, West Sussex, RH17 5SD
Tel : +44 (0)1444 881707 / Fax : +44 (0)1444 882057
Email :